Zones 4 - 8
11/16" Semi
Semi Early September, this is the one I have had fruit on for 7-8 years, and no other pears around for miles! Produces a medium to small, bright yellow pear that is very juicy and sweet. It blooms in early May, and its fruit ripens mid September. It has medium to small bright yellow fruit with a red blush, and a taste similar to 'Bartlett'. Pollen is sterile, so CANNOT be used to pollinate a second tree!! Another pear tree (preferable a Parker pear tree) is needed.
Zones 4 - 8
11/16" Semi
A compact and hardy pear, this University of Minnesota introduction produces tasty medium-sized reddish-brown fruit in late summer on an upright and vigorous plant, showy white flowers in spring; a great choice for the home orchard. Pollinator for Luscious.
11/16" Semi
Recognized for many years as the hardiest pear from the University of Minnesota, released in 1985. Free of fire blight. An annual bearer. Blooms early in May. The fruit should be harvested in mid-August when crisp and still green with a red blush. Fruit harvested at that time is sweet and crisp, and may be stored up to 2 months. Needs a pollinator. Use Parker' to pollinate.
A note from George:
(Now here is where I get in trouble)! "They" say you need two varieties, and for years I had only one out here, and had pears every year. But maybe you will have better luck with two. After all, ‘they’ are the experts, and I am only an old country boy who has fruit trees as a hobby! Pears are the most difficult crop to explain and figure out pollination needs. I have heard customer stories and through my own experience that a lot of these pears will produce fruit on their own, however you will have better success and better fruit set if you use a pollinator.
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