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Apple names are "Color Coded" as to what trees will pollinate each other. Check to the right of the tree name to see when they bloom.





If you are interested in trees that are not in or the same color code, please consider also getting a crabapple tree to help with pollination.

Please see our "Pollination Tab" for more information on pollination.

Trees are between 5' - 10' tall.

Please check description for Standard (Std) and Semi-Dwarf (Semi).

Connell Red

Zone 4 - 7

Semi 11/16"

Mid to Late Season Bloom

Developed in Menomonie, WI at the Connell Apple Orchard!!

A red blush mutation of 'Fireside' apple. Similar to 'Fireside' except that it has more intense red color. Hardy, heavy bearer. Large size. Excellent for eating or cooking. Distinctive flavor. Fruit keeps well until April or May. Unsuitable pollinator for 'Fireside'.   



Zone 4-7

Std. 11/16 Bare root and potted available

Mid to late season bloom

Excellent for eating, salads, sauce, pies and baking. With their snow-white flesh, they are wonderful for kabobs, fruit plates and garnishes because they don't turn brown quickly when cut. Late September, all purpose.



Zone 4-7

Std 7/8"

Mid to late season bloom

University of MN, 1943. Large, firm, red striped fruit with a sweet, pleasant flavor. Excellent flavor good for eating. Good storage life. One of the most popular apples in MN. Resistant to cedar-apple rust.



Zone 3 - 7

Std 11/16"

Mid season bloom

A unique small apple with a very sweet, intense taste. Crisp but firm texture and juicy. Extremely cold hardy, it is an excellent variety for cold, northern regions. Great for cider or cooking.



Zones 3 - 6

Std. 7/8"

Early season bloom

One of the best apples for colder regions. Washed red over creamy green. Flesh is crisp, juicy, tender and aromatic. Medium-sized fruit that is especially good for baking. Short storage life. Very hardy. Annual bearer. Good success reported in zone 2b.



Zone 3 - 7

Semi 7/8"

Mid season bloom

An old-fashioned apple variety with sweet, tart flavors and crisp, juicy texture. One of the earliest ripening apples, picked in late July and August. Is used primarily as a cooking apple, especially for sauces and cider. An irregularly-shaped green apple with broad red stripes. Short storage life.


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Zone 3-6

Std 11/16"

Late season bloom

Produces medium-sized red fruit. Hard, crisp and tart. Good dual purpose apple. One of the most popular apples in MN. Often bears fruit the first year. Prone to biennial (every two years) bearing. Keeps well, will store until March. Fine hardy, winter variety. 



Dean's Favorite!

Zone 4-7,

Std 7/8"

Semi 11/16"

Mid season bloom

An exciting apple that is exceptionally crisp and juicy. Flavor is sweet but well balanced. Excellent storage life-up to 7 months.  

$42 Std

$42 Semi 


Zone 4-7

Std 7/8"

Mid to late season bloom

Fruit is crisp, juicy and sweet. Sort of has a taste of pear! Excellent for eating as well as cooking. Medium storage life. Similar to Golden Delicious, but hardier. Early/Mid October.



Karry's absolute FAVORITE!!

Zone 3-6

Std 11/16"

Early season bloom

An exciting new apple variety with the exceptional crispness of its parent Honeycrisp. Earlier ripening, a slightly sweeter balance of flavor, and a smaller size, tender peel, perfect for snacking and smaller appetites. For the homeowner wanting to grow their own apples, KinderKrisp will be hard to beat! The trees grow rapidly, fruit young, and hang crisp sweet fruit for an exceptionally long period of time. 



Zone 4 - 7

Semi 11/16"

Mid Season Bloom

A productive variety that was selected for its resistance to apple scab and cedar-apple rust. Crisp and juicy with a sprightly flavor. Keeps well into February. Does not require fungicide sprays. Does very well without spraying.



Zone 4-7

Std 11/16"

Mid season bloom

Zippy flavor and a medium storage life. Heavy bearer with red and green skin . Good for eating although it is a softer apple. Excellent for cooking. McIntosh apples have an aromatic fragrance and is complimented by its sweetness with a hint of tart and juicy taste. Late September.


Norland                                         NEW!

Zone: 2-7

Std 11/16"

Early Season Bloom

Saskatchewan, Canada, 1979. One of the earliest summer apples to ripen. Well suited to very cold regions. A natural semi-dwarf tree that is precocious and productive. Attractive color, small to medium fruit. Good cooking or eating apple. Very hardy. Keeps about 16 weeks in cold storage. Fruit must be picked before full maturity for storage or use.


Prairie Magic

Zone 3 - 8

Mid season bloom

From Manitoba, this apple stands out because of its superior cold hardiness. The flesh is white, crisp and sweeter than 'Goodland'. Delicious eaten out of hand and may also be used for cooking. 


Not available

Red Duchess

Zone 3-6

11/16" Std

Early season bloom

Very hardy, medium to large size red apple. The flesh is white, tart, fine, firm and juicy. Good for eating, but best for pies and sauces. Abundant fruit, annual bearer. Short storage life.


Red Regent

Zone: 4-7

Semi 11/16"

Late season bloom

University of MN, 1963. Very popular apple in Minnesota. Medium to large red apple. Flesh is juicy and crisp. Flavor is an outstanding balance of sweet and tart. Excellent for fresh eating and cooking. Good storage life. Becoming one of the most popular apples in MN.



Zone 4-7

Std 11/16"

Mid season bloom

A new apple from Minnesota. It most outstanding feature is its flavor, which is described as sweet with a tart balance and rich overtones, almost buttery. The tree is extremely hardy and will grow well in cold climates. The fruit is large with a beautiful red-bronze blush over a greenish yellow background. The fruit's snowy white flesh is very slow to oxidize and turn brown after cutting.  


State Fair

George's Favorite!

Zone 3-6

Std 11/16"

Early season bloom

All purpose, tastes like an apple should taste. Flavor is sprightly tart and good for eating and baking. Short storage life, but who cares, you will eat them all right away anyway. Fantastic flavor. 


Sweet Sixteen

Ally's Favorite!

Zone 4-7

Std 7/8"

Mid season bloom

A popular apple from the University of Minnesota for very cold northern regions. It ripens in early fall. It is crisp and juicy with an exotic yellow flesh and a very sweet, unusual cherry flavor. The fruit stores for 5 to 8 weeks. It is a good all purpose apple.



Zones 4-8

Semi 11/16"

Late season bloom

Bred in 1989. Attractive medium-sized dark red apple with outstanding flavor. Cream colored flesh is juicy with full spicy flavors. This apple has shown excellent resistance to scab. Late ripening variety prolongs the harvest season. Use for fresh eating and cooking. Very good storage life.



Zone 3-6

Std 7/8"

Mid season bloom

Considered to be one of the hardier apples. Fruit is uneven shaped and has yellow to green skin with a pink blush ripening in late September to early October. Flesh is white, firm, and sweet. Vigorous apple.


Wolf River Apple

Zone 4-7

Std 11/16"

Late season bloom

An old variety, hardy and long lived. Best known for its large size - up to 5" diameter fruit. Color is pale yellow to green with carmine-red blushes and stripes. Primarily used as a cooking apple as it keeps it shape when cooked.   


Yellow Transparent

Zone: 3-6

Std 11/16" POTTED ONLY

Mid season bloom

Russia, 1880. Skin is clear yellow and the flesh is white. Precocious and productive tree. Best used for cooking. Heavy producer. Pick before maturity for better storage life. Scab resistant.



(Yes, the !' is part of the name!)

Zone 4-7

Std 11/16"

Early season bloom

A wonderful new apple cultivar from the University of Minnesota. At last, an early apple that is crisp and juicy. Best known for it's excellent sweet/tart flavor. Has much longer storage life than other early apples. Excellent for fresh eating and cooking.   



Chestnut Crabapple

Zone 3-7

Std 11/16"   Bare root and potted available

University of Minnesota. Outstanding nut like flavor and good texture for fresh eating. Large crabapple-up to 2" diameter. Medium storage life. Hardy.


Whitney Crabapple

Zone 3 - 7

Std 11/16"

Yellow crabapples striped with red. Ripens August to early September. Exceptional hardiness makes them excellent for short-season plantings. Excellent dessert. Upright growth habits. Cross pollinates with other apple varieties. Plant 15 ft. apart. 


Standard vs. Semi Dwarf Trees

Standard rootstock will produce full-sized trees. In rich soil standard trees may grow to a height of 20-25’ and a width of 25’ at full maturity. Standard trees will "generally" begin bearing 5-8 years after grafting. Hardy to zone 3.

A semi-dwarfing rootstock will produce trees approximately 60% the size of standard apple trees. This will generally result in trees approximately 12-15’ tall and 14’ wide at maturity. This rootstock will cause trees to produce fruit at an earlier age – " usually" 4-5 years after grafting. Rootstock is reliably hardy in Zone 4-6 and may be used in zone 3 if subject to reliable snow cover (2-4”) during coldest winter periods.

Semi-dwarfing rootstocks will only reduce the size of the tree – not the size of the fruit. Semi-dwarf trees are easier to prune, spray and harvest.

Bud unions on semi-dwarf trees should be planted at least 2” above the ground level to avoid scion-rooting (developing roots at the graft) and the loss of dwarfing characteristics.

Standard Sizing: Apples and Crabapples

(diameter = height)

1” = 6’ and up

7/8” = 5’ and up

11/16” = 4 ½” and up

9/16” = 4’ and up

7/6” = 3’ and up

5/16” = 2' and up

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